
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

today (n_n)

my lovely twin colgate smile hehe (n_n)

i like this pic..
assalamualaikum semua,,pe kboo???..huhuhu dh berminggu x updates my blog..entah ary nie rasa gatal plak nk menekan keypad2 yg is my happy day..

dh hampir seminggu cuti and ary nie bru aq dpt kuar gie jln3 ngan sapa lg lau bkn my twin colgate smile huhuhu sapa lg bkn cik ckin kita tuh..hahahha..thanks yunk u make happy today..huhuuhuhuuhu

sweet smile ~hehe~
nmpk x??
amboi kte ambik gnbr dia,,dia ambik pic kte blik..
sbnrnya ary nie x rancang pon kuar gie mne2 biasa laa kn sejak cuti sem nie aq bnyk mghabiskan mse ku ngan kucing and ngadap laptop jer 26 jam hahhaha...upgrade laa ktakan huhuhu..entah cam na smlm ckin call ajak tman pie kt tmpat praktikal bgaikan bulan jatuh ke riba laa stuju..eh3 jap2 btul ker pepatah aq tuh,,rasanya salah kot..hehehhe..xpe2 buat sementara waktu pakai pepatah tu laa dlu ,,sapa2 yg bce and thu pepatah yg sesuai jgn lupa bgi tau yer..pertolongan di perlukan niehh..hihihihiihi  smbg stuju laa sbb mmg bosan tahap gaban duk ary nie jadi laa date ktaowg 2..hehehhe (jgn jeles)..mula2 ktaowg pie bertiga ngan kwn ckin sowg lg pas2 lepas hbis gie tmpat diowg praktikal kwn ckin nie ada hal soo anta laa kt tmpt dia nk pie tu..kbtlan waktu bru kol 11pg..soo x thu laa nk pie merayau2 kt mne..last2 smpai laa kt pantai batu buruk apa lg bergmbr sakan laa..hahahha...

pas hbis jln2 kt pantai rasa lapoww laa plak apa lg makan timee!!!!!!!!!!  I like..hehehhe...ktaowg mcm biasa mcd jer tmpat biasa lepak so tepat kol 12 tgh smpai situ..biasa laa ambik pakej bajet..hahahhaha..pas kenyang2 smbung jln2 kt  giant jap..tgok2  pusing2 pastu blik..

thanks ckin..
smpai umah aq.....sebelom aq trun dr kreta ckin tahan ..dia ckp tggu jap..ingat kn apa..upanyer....huhuhuhu sesuatu yg berbalut cantik di bg...pehhh terkejut gak tp wak rileks jer...dia ckp sppttnya hadiah 2 zq dpt time birthday ary tu tp skrg bru dpt bg....thanks ckin..kas suka sgt3 hadiah 2...x thu nk ckp apa..yg aq mampu buat hanya laa tersenyum bila tgok adiah 2...yg penting warna merah hahahha and soooo cute,,,sukew3..hahahha...thanks my dear..

thanks utk hari yg amat menyeronokkan ..and for the gift.... sy sukewwww...

aq sbrnya bru blik dr jln2 tgok hujan hahahha..x laa rasa bosan plak mlm nie so aq ajak my aunty kuar with my sister my cousin..bkn senang nk jmpa my cousin tuh..soo pie laaa jln2 tgok org kt taman shahbandar..pehhh dah laa sejuk ujan laa ckit2 plus plak ngan angin kuat...uuuuuuwwww sejuk smpai tulang sronok...huhuhuhu..yelah time2 cutiey nie jer aq dpt jln2 merayau2 ngan kwn2 and family pasni bukak sem 6 trus praktikal..pehhh hargai laa cutiey anda sepenuhnya..yer kwn2 ku..k laa dh bnyk aq taip..nanti bosan korg bce..klaa..lau rajin komen2 laa kt penulisan aq yg tunggang langgang niehh yer..setiap komen pasti ditrima ngan aty yg terbuka..dont worry kk.. k laa. semua..daaaaaaaa slmt mlm (n_n)
skali skala jadi cam bdk hehe

my lovely aunty

hai bunga ..cantik ko mlm2 nie

oloh muke kesiann nyer dak 2 nie..ish2

nk hambik  dh kne hempuk..

Monday, 21 November 2011

nak balik!!!!!!!!!

hurmmm...nk balik itulah prasaan ku disaat ini...dh tahan rasanya duk kt sni...stress...hurmmm mak ayah nak blik,,,,esk ada satu OSPE..lagi pastu yessss...leh balik,,,tp Ya Allah terasa lamanya berada di sni..kalu ikutkan hati dh lme aq blik..hurmm aq dh x leh nk study disaat ini sbb lam kpale otak aq ialah balik...balik...dan balik..hurmmm...nak balikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 12 November 2011


It’s the most beautiful time of the year
Running through the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

Word on the street that it’s coming tonight,
Reindeer’s flying in the sky so high
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

Gathering around the fire
Chestnuts roasting like a high tonight
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

I don’t want to miss out on the holiday
But I can’t stop staring at your face
I should be running in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

Don’t you buy me nothing
I am feeling one thing and it led me to a miracle
Don’t you buy me nothing
I am feeling one thing, your lips on my lips
There’s a very, merry Christmas

It’s the most beautiful time of the year
Flying through the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

I don’t want to miss out on the holiday
But I can’t stop staring at your face
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe

With you, shawty with you
Shawty with you, under the mistletoe

Kiss me under the mistletoe
Show me baby that you love me so
Ohhhh, ohhh,
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe, oh, whoaaa

Sunday, 6 November 2011

hahahhahha....selamat hari raya korban semua.....huhuhuhu.....mmg x sedar dri laa bdak bernama kaskas nie,,,lusa nk exam pon still ngadap fb and blog...apa nk jadi daaa,,,huhuhu
hehehehehe...biasa laa aq kn always lasr minute hihihihii

semlm aq kuar pie beli tiket ngan my aunty pastu singgah kdai buku jap,,,bkn nk beki alatan utk exam tp novel plak aq tibai..mmmg terbaik..huhu bkn satu beli tp 2..lau ikut hati semua nk beli tp bajet x ckup daa..2 pon jadilah..biasa laa owg x sedor dri lg nk exam kn...huhu

pas2 pie merayap kt mydin mall jap...sesuatu yg x dijangka..sering kali mendatangi kita...laaa laaaa..hahahhaha sapa2 thu lgu nie..lau btul teka blanja duit satu sen...hahahhaha.urmm teringat zaman2 skolah dlu...di situu laa aq mula rapat kembali ngan ckin and tasya...di situ laa bnyk citer2 yg klakar dilakarkan dlm hidupku,,dan disitu laa tempat pertemuan antara aq dn seorg hamba Allah..kalu mase itu dpt diundur lembali aq akn gunakannya sebaik mungkin utk menghargai kehadiran org2 tersayang di sisi ku..kepada semua yg bce penulisan ini...hargai laa org yang menyanyangi mu..sebelom dia melangkah pergi meninggalkanmu...